Effective Employee Onboarding: The Key To Success

When an employee first gets hired, it’s become standard practice for them to go through an onboarding process. This is their introduction to the company and sets their first impression. The best way to prepare new employees for their roles and set them up for success is to have a detailed and organized onboarding process. There’s a lot that should go into onboarding to get rewarding results. Here’s what you need to know about onboarding, what features to include, and the benefits of effective onboarding.

What is Onboarding?

Onboarding is the process of providing new hires with training and information to help them integrate into the company and their new role. Typically, onboarding is done by an HR staff member or a manager. Each organization handles this process differently; some make it last a day or stretch out over several weeks. It’s up to the employer how in-depth they want the process to be, but the typical onboarding consists of:

  • Information on the length of the process
  • Complete any missing HR paperwork (W2, I9)
  • Setting up software and account access
  • Setting up payroll
  • Company policies, culture, and expectations
  • Role details, responsibilities, and expectations
  • Team and coworker introductions
  • FAQs and educational materials
  • Benefits explained

The purpose of onboarding is to prepare each new hire for integration into the company by giving them as much information and resources in an organized manner. Once the onboarding process is done, employees should feel comfortable and equipped in their new roles. If an employee feels ill-equipped for their new job, it’s unlikely their performance will be good. 

Valuable & Helpful Features of Effective Onboarding

While each onboarding process is unique, including some of these features and components can be beneficial. Creating an interesting and enjoyable process can boost employee engagement early on.

  • Assigning a buddy. Starting with a new company can be overwhelming, but if you have a person to guide you through the first few steps, things can be easier. Some companies have assigned existing employees as a “mentor” to get to know new hires better, and guide them in their onboarding process. This can also be done for remote employees. 
  • Include office nuances. New hires aren’t aware of the unspoken office rules, and giving them this information helps them integrate quicker. Let them know where employees park, whether they bring their own coffee or if it is provided, and where they eat lunch. Small details can help incoming employees feel comfortable in a new environment. 
  • Check-ins. Initiate regular check-ins with new employees. Having an open line of communication can make the employees feel comfortable to discuss any issues or ask questions. Check-ins can also include feedback on the onboarding process to help refine its success. During the check-ins, include time for a Q&A session. 
  • Socialization. Requiring key team members to meet with new hires can aid in socialization. Establishing work relationships early on can improve productivity and employee retention. For remote employees, you can schedule virtual coffee chats so they can meet their new colleagues. 
  • Welcome videos. This might be necessary for remote employees. Having welcome videos can personalize the experience and put a face to the name. For larger companies, it might be challenging for the new hire to meet all the necessary managers and supervisors, so a welcome video can be an effective introduction. 
  • Digitize. Having all the necessary information well-organized and in one place will make onboarding easier for everyone involved. When it’s all online, forgetting to send a document will be a rarity. 

4 Benefits of a Thriving Onboarding Program

Establishing a well-detailed and creative onboarding process can only benefit the company. Employees might decide the job is no longer a good fit for them if their onboarding experience is chaotic and negative. Naturally, employees who have a pleasant and positive experience are more likely to stay with the company for at least a year or longer. A few of the benefits of having a thriving onboarding program are:

  1. Increased Productivity 

Giving employees all the necessary tools and resources to perform their jobs adequately and efficiently will increase productivity. Onboarding employees proficiently can reduce the probation period. Employees with clear objectives are more focused and can perform their roles successfully. 

  1. Employee Retention 

As mentioned above, the onboarding process is the new hires’ introduction to how the company is run. It sets the tone for the work environment and what they can expect when working for the company. When the onboarding is subpar, it will deter employees and increase turnover. Offering a knowledgeable onboarding program can set your company apart from the competition. 

  1. Encourages Communication

Effective onboarding programs initiate conversations between the new employee and management. Establishing that form of open communication will give the employee the confidence to readily give ideas, ask questions, and communicate with other employees. When employees feel they can communicate freely with their colleagues and superiors, it fosters a positive work environment and aids in employee retention. 

  1. Strong Company Culture

Onboarding is the new employee’s glimpse into the company and where they learn what the company values. When they finish onboarding, they should understand the company culture thoroughly. Sharing the company’s typical workday, vision, and priorities early on will let the employee know what to expect. Establishing the company culture can allow both the employee and employer the opportunity to see if their values align and if it’s the right fit for both. 

Outstanding Onboarding With Alltrust

Investing in a successful onboarding program will help your business thrive and boost employee satisfaction. It allows new employees to excel in their roles and establish trust in your company. Retaining quality employees results in less time and money on rehiring and retraining. 

Alltrust Insurance can help your company design the perfect onboarding program to help new hires perform their best and feel confident with your company. Our HR consultants can work closely with you to evaluate your needs and help integrate new programs into your organization. Contact us today to get started. 


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