Microlearning: How It Can Benefit Your Business

Employers often look for new and effective ways to improve their employees’ skill sets. It’s believed that doing so will help employees meet company standards and lower replacement costs. It can also help better workplace performance. One way to do this is called microlearning. It is the process of administering training in short but informative methods. It’s usually about three to five minutes and has a clear learning objective.

The idea has grown in popularity as learning and development professionals seek ways to educate a new generational workforce. Millennials now make up the largest generation group in the United States. Researchers believe that this group learns differently than past generations as they are experts in multitasking and figuring out the most important information presented to them. Learning experts believe millennials are more receptive to microlearning because they only receive the information they need to know. Microlearning can be beneficial to the success of your business, especially if your employee population consists of a substantial proportion of millennials. 

Learning the Types of Microlearning

There are various ways you can educate workers with short and informative content. Some of these learning methods include:

  • Animations
  • Flashcards
  • Infographics
  • Music
  • Micro-quizzes
  • Podcasts
  • E-books
  • Games

Skills Gap and Retention Issues With Workers

Researchers note that employers say there are issues with retention due to various factors such as quick quitting. Employers understand they’ll have to offer more competitive salaries, consider work-from-home options, provide flexible schedules and promote better work-life balance to better efforts on retention.

Skills gaps are also a struggle for employers. They are finding that applicants need to gain the necessary skills for specific roles. There are a few reasons why employers may be experiencing this, such as a smaller work pool and students graduating with degrees that are not in demand. 

Employers use microlearning to address skill gaps within their workforce. Employees benefit from microlearning because it provides them with a training method that is more likely to retain their attention. Microlearning leads to better learning retention because it provides short and concentrated bits of information. It addresses skills gaps by allowing workers to hone in on a specific skill with each lesson. Microlearning keeps employees engaged by offering micro lessons that can be completed quickly, resulting in a sense of accomplishment for the employee.

Microlearning can also have an impact on increasing retention within a company. When your employees are better equipped to handle required tasks, management is less likely to consider termination.

Strategies To Improve Employee Engagement

Experts in microlearning believe that for it to be successful, the content has to be engaging and short. There are some other aspects of microlearning to consider:

  1. Lesson Units – Make sure each lesson only includes the most pertinent information that employees need to know.
  1. Action Steps – Each lesson should come with a recommendation or something for the employee to try and incorporate into their time at work.
  1. Congratulate Workers – Giving employees some recognition for their achievements could further encourage them to learn and grow.
  1. Simple Subjects – When you choose simple subjects for employees to learn it can help them to remember the important material.

Alltrust: Let Us Be a Resource for You

Alltrust provides various services to help your business with its human resources needs. Our HR consulting provides you with the help to address compliance concerns and employee responsibilities. This service includes both general and specialized consulting options designed to assist your business with various topics. 

Our services don’t end there! We also offer technology options so your business operates smoothly, as well as compliance strategies to keep you up-to-date with your legal obligations. Contact us to find out about all of our services and how we can begin helping you today!


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